Monday was my Mom's last radiation treatment! WAHOO!! Celebration!!
I've taken the week off after having a crazy 6 weeks visiting either Boston, her house or the radiation trips. I've resumed a daily phone call! It feels strange to not SEE my mom after spending so much time together the last few weeks. I've missed her!
She has been overwhelmed with all the claims she has to file. It has been interesting to learn how much her medicine is. Without insurance, her IBRANCE would be about $16,000 a month. Each radiation treatment is $1200 a day. Plus she is on another pill I'm unsure of. Unbelievable! I guess I am just clueless how freaking expensive it all could be. She seems a bit bothered by the financial aspect of what she will be owing each month, a few hundred dollars. Supposedly, she has qualified for some kind of assistance, although we don't know what yet..
My mom has been seeming increasingly concerned over her entire physical status. As she says, This time the cancer is way more complex than the last time...She is worried about her head as it has become itchy right where her hot spot is. She wants me to tell her if her face changes, droops or changes shape. She remembered how her dad started to change when his brain tumor was growing. There is just so much going on inside of her now with the cancer and drugs. She basically has no clue what her new normal will be with all the medication she is on. She may need to make changes to see which side effects she can live with best. Right now, it's fatigue and strong joint pain. I tried to do a little research on what to expect on meds, what happens when tumors shrink, what feelings are normal and how other people experience this stage. I just have zero experience with stuff like this. I mentioned how she really needs to talk to the oncologist further. Her next appointment is Monday.
Up ahead, She has another follow up with the surgeon for her leg in September. She will also have the stent surgery at some point in September, No date determined yet.
As far as how I'm doing--I'm pretty good! Work is going great. Every day I am thankful to be working with such awesome people. Really. So many people dread going to work while I look forward to seeing all my people for different reasons. I've been busy with that..It is starting to hit me how my life will change in a few weeks when Nik heads to Kindergarten. I don't know what I will do with some of my extra time. More clients? New opportunities? Time? We will find out soon! On Thursday I am having a massage that I had to cancel a few weeks back because life was just incredibly busy. I am so looking forward to it!!! I take every moment day by day. Also, my life is starting to feel more put together. We have spent the last 3 months living in a construction zone--building a huge master bedroom with a gigantic closet. We also have a very nice shed being delivered. Once I can organize the inside and outside of my house, I know my mind will be more at ease. These 2 home improvements were scheduled before we knew of my mom's cancer..Anyone with a house project like this knows what it's like to have the mess, poor weather, people, delays, and steps to complete it. Just a LOT!! AT ONCE!!